
World Communion Sunday

Last week I hosted a lunch for area Presbyterians to meet Dr. Reeta Rao from Dehrundan, India. While BMPC’s mission support in India goes to Emmanuel Hospital, Dr. Rao is supported by the Pottstown and Ardmore Presbyterian Churches, and our gathering gave folks in this area of the presbytery an opportunity to learn about the good educational and medical work she is doing among the poor.

When we gathered in the Fullerton Room, I showed Dr. Rao the pictures of Anna and Mary Fullerton whose mission work in India was supported by BMPC back in the 1880’s. Mary was an educator, and Anna became a renowned physician and surgeon on the staff of Ludhiana Medical College. When Dr. Rao read the biographical sketch beside the room that bears their names, she exclaimed that she was a graduate of Ludhiana. Suddenly this wide world seemed close and connected by long years of shared Christian service around the globe.

Conceived in 1930, between the first and second World Wars, World Communion Sunday became an ecumenical celebration of our unity in Christ to inspire the mission of the church, to promote peace and work for justice in the world. This coming Sunday we will be mindful of our global connections as we worship God with music, liturgy and prayers from around the world. In our challenging time of much unrest in the world we will again reaffirm the power of the Lord’s Supper to unite the church of Jesus Christ, and to challenge the church anew to faithful witness.

With our children leading us in song, a drum ensemble joining our praise, prayers that call to mind the global church, opportunity to give to the Peacemaking and Global Witness Offering, and the communion table set with breads from around the world, this coming Sunday will be a joyful, hopeful affirmation of the Lordship of Christ in the world!