
This Week

March Lenten Chapel Organ Recital Series. Tues. in Mar. 26, 12:00 p.m., Chapel.

Simple Supper. Thurs., Mar. 28, 5:30 p.m., Congregational Hall. March Menu

Holy Week Services. See the full schedule.

Prayer Request

If you are in need of prayer, please let us know. Your request will be sent directly to a pastor and held in strict confidence.

The Caring Ministries Team encourages you to let us know of any sickness, crisis, or situation where we can provide support or care.

Due to privacy laws, we are unable to discern which of our members are hospitalized; therefore, we depend on you to let us know. If you would like us to offer a specific prayer before surgery or another procedure, please let us know the date, time, and location of the surgery.

To request a visit from a pastor or intercessory prayer on your behalf,

  • ► Contact the Rev. Kirby Lawrence Hill, Interim Pastor for Senior Adults
  • ► Stop in the church during regular office hours to speak with the minister-on-call or
  • ► Contact us using the form below:
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