
Confirmation Expo 2024

Each year, our Confirmation students go through a year of Sunday morning study, learning about who Jesus is, what it means to be a Christian, the purpose of the Christian Bible, church history, and more. They met monthly with a Confirmation Mentor, a congregation member who committed to be in spiritual friendship with the student, discussing questions about what we learn each Sunday. Confirmands also went on a Confirmation Retreat at Johnsonburg Camp in October this year. They also participated in a Casserole Blitz, where they experienced Christian service together with their mentors. 

At the heart of our Confirmation program is the selection of a Spiritual Practice by each Confirmand. These practices, diverse and unique to each student, are undertaken for thirty days and serve to deepen their faith. From engaging in a daily Ignatian Examen to gratitude journals, the variety of practices is as diverse as our Confirmands. This year, we are excited to showcase the creative projects that our Confirmands have chosen, involving art, food, scripture, and more. 

Two Sundays before Confirmation Sunday, our youth ministry hosts the annual Confirmation Expo! At this event, each Confirmand presents their Spiritual Practice and how it impacted their personal faith development. At 9:00 a.m., the Session meets with the students to examine their projects, voting on whether or not to welcome them into the full membership of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church pending their public professions of faith on Confirmation Sunday on May 19. Then, at 11:00 a.m., the entire congregation is invited to hear about our Confirmation students' projects. Your presence and support are encouraged and appreciated. 

The Confirmation Expo consistently proves to be a vital day in the life of our church each year, as the whole congregation learns about the faith development of our 8th graders. We hope to see you there on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. in the gym! 

 Confirmation Expo 2