
Fifty Years of Faithful Membership

Fifty Years of Faithful Membership

The cover of The Messenger from October 1972 introduces three new BMPC ministers: Cory Loder, Dick Kauffman and George Wirth. Each article shares a snippet from their lives and calls to ministry, before warmly welcoming them to the church. There are even pictures of each new minister with their families, snapshots of what their lives looked like 50 years ago.

The Messenger October 1972If you continue reading that Messenger you learn about other new individuals who came to BMPC at the same time: new music staff singers who recently joined the choir, new Weekday School staff members, and a new receptionist. Much of The Messenger is dedicated to introducing these new faces, welcoming individuals who would go on to make a significant impact on our church.

Alongside new ministers and staff members were many new members. This coming Sunday we have the pleasure of celebrating those members who joined the church between 1971 and 1973 and continue to be members today. For 50 years these individuals have been faithful members of our congregation. Many of them have taught Sunday School, ushered, served as Elders, Deacons, and Trustees, sang in the choir, and volunteered in numerous other ways. Our congregation continues to be blessed by their commitment.

The full list of our newest 50-year members is below. Many of them will be present this Sunday. I encourage you to seek them out and thank them for the good work they have done for this church and community over the decades. Ask them about how they have seen God at work over the years. Listen as they share stories and recount memories. It promises to be a Sunday full of gratitude as we give thanks for the faithful witness of these individuals in our midst for 50 years!


Jill Acker

John K. Ball

John H. Ball

Jean Bogle

Linda Bressi

Anne Butcher

McBee Butcher

Karen Considine

Cary Eberly

Virginia Farmer

Dave & Betty Fish

Sam Galib

Dean Gentner

John Huffaker

Mimi Johnson

Margaret Lee

Liz Lynch

Holly Manuppelli

Virginia Mattison

John McGowan

Sam McKeel

Sallie Mentzer

Shirley Messina

Leigh Middleton

Linden Mills

Wistar Morris

Debbie Nevins

Warren & Barbara Nuessle

Sandy Pew

Lois Powell

Barbara Renninger

Marcia Shearer

Leigh Anne Smith

John & Sandi Stouffer

Varney Truscott

Judith Viner

Joan Webster

Paul Yeakel

Katie Zirnkilton