
Ministry Architects

It is hard to believe that it has been nearly six years since I began my ministry at BMPC. In those years, I have witnessed God do some amazing things through our ministries. It is a joy to serve the youth and families of our congregation, and our goal is to continually strengthen what we do here.

During my seminary days, I had the opportunity to get to know Mark DeVries, founder of Ministry Architects. Mark is a nearly 30-year veteran youth pastor, and his organization comes alongside churches of all sizes to conduct assessments. I am delighted to say that starting this Sunday we will be hosting two consultants from Ministry Architects who will lead us through an assessment process. Throughout the day, they will be facilitating several listing sessions with youth, parents, volunteers, and church leaders.

On Tuesday, March 14, the consultants will offer a final presentation to anyone in the congregation who would like to hear the results of the assessment. We will host a dinner (free of charge) at 5:30 p.m. in Congregational Hall. It will be a wonderful opportunity to discover what God has done, is doing, and might be calling us to do in the youth ministry and as a congregation.

The youth are not just the future of our church; they are very much the present. Almost every day I see firsthand how our youth are serving selflessly through opportunities such as the BMPC Tutoring Program; growing in faith through the Student Serve high school leadership team; sharing their gifts through the Youth Worship Band at youth gatherings; and learning how to study the Bible and think theologically during grade groups on Sunday mornings.

If you are not taking part in one of the listening sessions, or are unable to attend the dinner and presentation on Tuesday, I invite you to pray for the youth and families of our church. As we strengthen the youth ministry, may we as a church continue to grow in our faith and Christian witness.