
The Rev. Dr. Agnes W. Norfleet preaching a sermon at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church

Most services of worship at BMPC include the preaching of a sermon, usually by one of the pastors of the church. A sermon is not a moral or spiritual essay, nor is it precisely the opinion of the preacher. Rather, it is the preacher’s attempt, guided by grace and the Holy Spirit, to lift up a passage of Scripture, and illuminate it with meaning, giving it the power to shape our own faith journey and call us into deeper discipleship.

The best way to hear a sermon is to join us for worship!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Commissioning of the Disciples

Scripture Lesson: Matthew 28:16-20
Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Agnes W. Norfleet
Pastoral Prayer by the Rev. Rebecca Kirkpatrick
With hymn and special music.


Sunday, May 31, 2020

"Pentecost: The Gift of Diversity"

Scripture Lesson: Acts 2:1-21
Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Agnes W. Norfleet
Confirmation Liturgy by the Rev. Leigh DeVries
Pastoral Prayer by the Rev. Brian K. Ballard
With hymn and special music.


Sunday, May 24, 2020

"What's Next?"

Scripture Lesson: Acts 1: 1-11
Sermon by the Rev. Rachel Pedersen
Pastoral Prayer by the Rev. Franklyn C. Pottorff
With hymn and special music.