


Confirmation intro

Confirmation is a moment for congregations to fulfill the commitments they make every time a child is baptized in the church: to guide and nurture that child by word and deed, through love and prayer, encouraging them to know and follow Christ and to be a faithful member of Christ's church.

In Confirmation, students explore the implications of God's gracious mercy offered to them even before they were able to respond, and they consider how they will live lives in response to God's sovereign grace. A student confirms their faith and their connection to the faith of the church.

Each Confirmand is paired with a Confirmation Mentor, an adult member of our congregation, who walks with them throughout the yearlong confirmation journey. Mentors provide spiritual, emotional, and practical support to our confirmands as they discern what roles they want to take on in the church's life.

BMPC follows a special tradition regarding confirmation. Every confirmand participates in a month-long daily spiritual practice, offering their experience in a presentation the week before Confirmation Sunday. Session members of BMPC then view the Confirmation projects and interview each youth about their experience, hearing from them about why they want to be voting members of the congregation.   

If you’re interested in getting involved with BMPC Confirmation, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..