
photo showing part of a bible.

Each week one of our pastors or staff members writes a column observing what is going on in our congregation, the Church and the world, and offering reflections on the Christian life and faith. Through this series of columns, we hope to connect your and our story to the enduring story of Christ; to offer pastoral reflections on our ongoing congregational life and mission; to report on news of the Presbyterian Church and Church universal; and to invite further reflection and deeper discipleship. We welcome your comments and suggestions. In other words, our words here are an invitation to continue the conversation.

So Much to Share

It’s been a particularly busy time at our church. Over the past week, the whirlwind included a memorial service for the Rev. Dr. David Watermulder, Pastor Emeritus; a Progressive Worship Walk into the city; the ordination of our new church officers; three baptisms; a brunch to honor 50+ year members; a Community Forum about racism; and a presentation by Doug Tallamy about sustaining wildlife with native plants. These were all memorable experiences for those involved, and I was reminded – once again – how fortunate we are to be part of this church. How lucky we are to share the company of such caring, inspiring people. How blessed we are to be part of a church family that offers so many wonderful opportunities to enrich our lives in faith.

"The Progressive Worship Work - How Long a Way Is It?"

Here’s the thing about the Progressive Worship Walk—it’s a long way, but it’s not a long way.


I think I awakened the day after Easter with the lyrics of a children’s song bouncing around in my head. The children’s choir in my former church sang it often as an anthem: Every morning is Easter morning from now on. Every day’s Resurrection Day; the past is over and gone.

Holy Week

This past Sunday, I had a privileged perspective. Walking into the sanctuary with the palm fronds waving like a sea of green was powerful! One little girl said, “I felt like a disciple in Jerusalem and we were all celebrating Jesus the king together.” That experience takes on a different light in part because just as we arrived at the front of the Sanctuary there was the humbling task to sit with children, palm fronds underfoot, and remind them that the king we just celebrated is a king who will be crucified and who will be raised.

Preparing for Holy Week

Palm Sunday is the beginning of the end of our Lenten journey to the foot of the cross and onto the glorious dawn of Easter morning. It is a very holy pilgrimage indeed – set apart for the purposes of God and the followers of Christ to step from joy to pathos to joy again. This coming Sunday we begin with that ancient shout Hosanna which is a liturgical word of adoration that means “save us, we pray.”

Excellent Dreams

Last Saturday, the Outreach Council gathered for a session of dreaming and discernment. Our first task was to ask one another, if you had unlimited finances and people power, what would you hear God calling this church to do? That started us off on a morning of insights, ideas, and dreams.

Praying Through Pain

By now, you have heard about the recent tragedy involving the Shipley School student who was a victim of suicide. As a person, I grieve the loss of a bright young man. As a pastor, my sympathy goes out to the family and the Shipley School. As part of a church community, anytime our neighbors experience loss, I am often moved to respond.