

The Labyrinth

Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. -Jeremiah 6:16

Opportunities to Walk the Labyrinth

  • Monthly Walks
    Tuesday, September 10 - 9/11 Walk
    Rope Outdoor Labyrinth

    Tuesday, October 1
    Tuesday, November 5
    Tuesday, January 7
    Tuesday, February 4

    Tuesday, May 6
    Rope Outdoor Labyrinth

    Open daily during Advent, Chapel **
    Story Path Labyrinth 

    Longest Night
    Wednesday, December 18
    5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
    candlelit on the Ed. Bldg. Lawn
    Weather Permitting 

    Open daily during Lent, Chapel **
    Story Path Labyrinth

    Maundy Thursday & Good Friday
    8 a.m. - 8 p.m., April 17
    8 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., April 18


Walking the labyrinth is a very individual experience. You honor God with this walk and provide a pathway to prayer. Consistent walking may deepen your compassion, lessen your judgments, increase your patience, and enable you to find your purpose in life to share with the world.

Come with others to celebrate the space centered in quiet and light. Your walk may offer clarity for life direction, healing of grief, identification of a turning point, or a calming of noise from daily demands. Intentional walking allows the labyrinth to be a prayerful tool to bring awareness to your questions and concerns.

  • Prepare:  Be still, quiet, and attentive.  Listen to the rhythm of your breath.
  • Release:  As you walk in, let go of any random thoughts, focus on breathing, and walk at your own natural pace.
  • Receive:  In the center, sit or stand and take what is offered in this space.  Seek awareness of God's presence.  Spend as much time as needed in the center.
  • Return: Leave the center following the same path outward.  Symbolically, you are moving into the world with the insights you have received during the meditative walk.
  • Reflect:  Journal, sketch, or simply stay in stillness for as long as you need.

The Labyrinth is available for walking at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church at specified times.
For more information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at 610-525-0766.