As Presbyterians, we do mission in partnership, working with organizations in Greater Philadelphia and around the world. We seek to find a balance among relief work in moments of crisis, development work that helps to strengthen and transform the world, and advocacy work that seeks to raise awareness and effect change. While we have several different mission committees, there are certain areas of mission that BMPC prioritizes among all of our committees, including education and work related to children, food insecurity, community development, peacemaking, environmental education and advocacy, and medical missions. To become a part of any one of the mission areas listed below, please contact Jen McArthur.
To stay up-to-date on all the latest Mission activities, click here to subscribe to our e-newsletter. Find out more about current opportunities to serve and learn together.
Outreach Committee

Environmental Justice Committee
BMPC offers opportunities to explore the ways that we, as Christians, can promote environmental stewardship and the care of God’s creation. Through our Environmental Justice Committee, we offer educational instruction, promote environmental awareness, and engage in efforts to help green the BMPC campus. This committee founded the Main Line Interfaith Green Group, an ongoing environmental stewardship movement, and is engaged in the efforts of this group. For more information, contact
Mission Statement: Environmental Justice Committee of the Mission Council provides a lens to focus on God’s creation. As stewards of the environment, we find meaningful ways to engage the BMPC congregation in the Christian practice of caring for God's world. We are witnesses, advocates, educators, practitioners and catalysts to our church, community, and the world.
Refugee Committee
BMPC members and other community members formed a Refugee Support Committee in 2016 to respond to the devastating worldwide crisis of more than 21 million refugees (now 25.4 million) -- over half are children under the age of 18. From the very conception of the Refugee Committee, the main goal was to welcome and help resettle a family on the Main Line by developing a systematic, sustainable and successful process to promote a family’s self-sufficiency that could be implemented during the first four to six months after arrival. To prepare for this family, our committee established 10 teams, and many members completed childcare clearances.
While this plan changed and expanded in some ways because of the dramatic reduction of refugee families permitted to enter the United States, the Committee finally welcomed an Afghan family of six in January 2022. They currently reside near BMPC, which allows each Refugee team to seamlessly support the family in matters of finance, education, and medical needs as they transition into American life. If you are interested in joining the Refugee Committee or helping to support our refugee family, contact
BMPC also continues to coordinate with a group of Wayne churches to help Aissata Kouyate and her two young daughters, Rama and Fatima. She is from Guinea, West Africa, and is seeking asylum in the United States to protect her children from female genital mutilation. To find out how you can help, contact
Worldwide Ministries Committee
BMPC works in conjunction with global partners to support ministries of compassion, justice and transformation. As we mobilize and direct our congregation's human and material resources, we learn from and are transformed by those with whom we serve. Worldwide Ministries partners with organizations in South and Central America, Africa, the Middle East, South East Asia as well as partners in other parts of the United States. Worldwide Ministries distributes funds through their annual grant program and the Richard Shaull Grant for Mission.
Hunger Committee
We care about those who cannot obtain adequate food for themselves. With an overall poverty rate of 25 percent, Philadelphia is the poorest big city (population over 1 million) in the country. Areas like West Philadelphia and Chester now are the second poorest and hungriest in the entire United States.
Donations of food supplies which are distributed to area food cupboards are greatly appreciated as well as financial donations. Please use the white Hunger envelopes in pew holders or write “Hunger” in memo line of your check. Our monthly casserole blitzes are held on Saturday mornings in the Ministries Center. Click here to be added to the Casserole Blitz mailing list.
Check out our current opportunities to serve.
BMPC Tutoring Program
The Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Tutoring Program brings together 75 elementary school children from North Philadelphia and an equal number of high school students from the western suburbs. A popular community service option for local teens and adults for over 50 years, the Tutoring Program takes place at BMPC on Tuesday nights, when each child is paired with a high school tutor who makes a commitment to provide weekly one-on-one help with reading and writing skills. In addition to working toward academic goals, the program helps children and tutors grow in self-confidence, learn about each other’s worlds, and develop friendships.
Although this year’s Tutoring Program is at capacity, we look forward to welcoming Tutors and Adult Leaders to apply in September 2022 for the 2022/2023 school year.
All participants will be masked (children, youth and adults), and this reduced program will allow for increased social distancing. If you are interested in learning more about volunteering, contact
Peacemaking Committee

Our church cares about issues related to peacemaking and strives to serve as an advocate for peace in the family, the community, and the wider world. The Peacemaking Committee offers educational programs examining critical issues and provide the information you need to take direct action and make an impact. During the past year, we have sponsored a variety of programs: How to Talk About Hot Topics Without Arguing: a skill-building workshop on how to discuss difficult issues while maintaining relationships. Main Line Gun Violence Awareness Day: Bryn Mawr led an interfaith group of 19 congregations in education, prayer and advocacy around the effects of gun violence on our community. Over 150 people came to worship, walk and witness. Souls Shot: Portraits of Victims of Gun Violence was displayed in the Ministries Center through the end of May.
This year the Peacemaking Committee supported: Community Connection Hub at the Kensington Beacon Project, Heeding God’s Call, Centurion Ministries, and the Mothers in Charge Mother’s Day Lunch Retreat.